AmigaActive (1315/2143)

Date:18 May 2000 at 19:51:47
Subject:Hello, best of luck, a little moan, and back to lurking :)

Hi All
I've had to subscribe to post this, I'll unsub after I've sent
it. Not being ignorant, but I read the list every couple of days on
the website :) Keeps the e-mail numbers down :)

First off, the very best to Andrew and the krew :) I've been a
subscriber to Amiga Active since issue two, and will continue to be!
I think your all doing a great job under difficult circumstances.
If the softie's want users to buy their product, then they should let
us know about it!! I depend on a magazine review to inform me about
the the kind of software I should buy.
But AA is a great read anyway, it's just that the developers seem to
be shooting themselves in the foot! Weird?

Here's my moan....., I recieved CandyFactory yesterday after three
months of waiting! I'd had it on order from Alive (no this isn't going
to be one of those moans), okay three months is a loong time! In that
period I contacted many different suppliers here, and none of them had
any copies in stock. So I contacted Titan to let them know, now that I
have the Candy I'm happy :) But, no stock in the UK for *three*

Now I fear a repeat with Pagestream 4. I've saved my pennies for
about, ooh, three months. Ordered it from Blittersoft (uk
distributors) about four weeks ago, and they and myself are waiting
for Softlogic to send copies :( It's frustrating being a Amiga owner
ain't it?

Here's some more depressing news: Ratio of 5-1 of pirated Netconnect
3's. The few really decent titles that we get are now coming to the
end of development because of mindless morons, I'd really like to say
somthing to these <snip>, why don't you go and <snip again>!
Your killing *my* machine!

Sorry I've rambled on,
Bye and thanks

Amiga power tower os 3.5 030 32meg fast
3.5 g hd 24 cdrom Epson 740 Turboprint 7
surf via Voyager3 Netconnect3

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